Today I attempted to move this plate one foot and it broke into three pieces in my hand. I am glad I was inches from the table when it happened because it was full of food.
To those that believe that everything happens for a reason, I thought long and hard about this plate and God soon revealed to me that might be the case.
This plate was much more useful to me for its intended purpose when it was whole instead of in three pieces. People are like that too. Instead of being disjointed and multi-faced, we are much more effective to the purpose in which we were created when we are whole serving our creator.
To take this a step further, God's Church would be much more effective to our purpose if we realized our Unity as One in Christ instead of our divisions toward our pet doctrines and denominational kingdoms.
As I looked at the plate and talk to God asking Him, "So God, what else can I see of relevance in this broken plate" Each third of this plate is separate but it is of the same substance and was one in the same plate. In the same way Christ body was broken and dispersed yet each of us who are Christians are born of the same substance. We Are One in him. Even though the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are separate in and of themselves, they are also whole and one as God.
Of course the obvious is also true. This plate had micro-cracks that broke under a little pressure in the wrong place. Perhaps I need to be aware of any micro cracks that I am allowing to exist in my heart. Because the Bible says what is hidden will be shouted from the rooftops. That tells me that there is nothing hidden that will not be placed on display. For good or for bad integrity will find a way to display itself and so will sin...
All this from a broken plate. Look for God today and listen and try to look deeper.